Conversion of Residual energy of technology cycles of different carriers types in low-potential thermal energy used in heating and ventilation industrial areas.

The initial energy sources subjected to transformation 

  • Exhaust gases;
  • Steam-water mixtures and condensate;
  • Cooling liquids of technological installations;
  • Hot air and air mixture (including with harmful impurities).

Constructional features 

  • Development of individual constructive solutions that take into account features of technology cycles of the company;
  • Modular organization of systems;
  • Ability to reequipment systems;
  • Local and remote management;
  • Possibility of integration into the control system and dispatching of basic technological processes.

Energy aspects of the implementation 

  • Re-use of energy resources involved in the technological cycles;
  • Decrease consumption of power resources not involved in the main production cycle of enterprise (energy for heating and ventilation);
  • Increase energy independence of enterprise;
  • Possibility of redistribution of energy resources;
  • Duplication of energy sources;
  • The release of additional capacities for basic technological cycles.

Ecological aspects of the implementation 

  • Temperature decrease of atmospheric emissions of air mixtures and exhaust gases energy intensive industries;
  • Decrease of catalytic reactions with heavy metals in the atmosphere of harmful industries;

Economic aspects of the implementation 

  • Decrease of costs on energy resources;
  • Decrease cost of output production;
  • Payback implementation of the system secondary use of energy and optimization of energy intensive industries in 3-4 years;
  • Ability to accompaniment the full system lifecycle from design, supply and installation to guarantee and postguarantee service by the manufacturer

Natural lighting systems using light pipes allow to create sustainable jobs in areas remote from the natural lighting through the window openings, and, of course, to save electricity.
There is an opportunity to organize, for example office spaces to meet the requirements SANPIN (Sanitary Regulations and Norms) almost anywhere in plant or warehouse.

The advantage natural lighting systems using light pipes are: 

  • Reducing energy consumption on lighting;
  • Natural lighting is possible in almost any point of the room (length limit of the light pipe without loss of lumen output - 20 meters);
  • A lens system, installed on the roof, can effectively collect sunlight during the daylight hours. It is especially actual in the winter, when the sun is low. In the summer owing to an diffusers a light dissipated into the premises, and not blind, which is very comfortable to the human eye;
  • Through the use of the optical system light propagation is illuminated by not only local place, but the whole room;
  • Natural lighting of workplace enhances the mood  personnel, allow to fight with depression and leads to increased in labor productivity by 20 percent;
  • Colors are passed correctly, without distortion;
  • Is reduced eye strain occurs on flicker of artificial lighting lamps.

Design and installation of easily discharged constructions

Easily discharged constructions - is an outside enclosing structures (or elements thereof) of buildings, structures and premises relative to Categories A and B on fire and explosion hazard which, for a possible explosion must be reset (or break), forming open apertures to reduce the explosion pressure to values ensuring the safety of the main enclosing and supporting structures of the building.

Our experts have developed specific solutions and knots for quickly and cost-effectively address these issues without disrupting architectural image of the building.

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