Our priority is safe organization of work. First of all, it is the safety of those around us, our employees, environmental and fire safety work. To achieve these objectives are developed and introduced in the compulsory practice of OSH management system and environmental protection, ranging from training and finishing multistage our performance. These systems are tailored to the provisions of the ISO 14004 and ISO 14001, and confirmed by the certificates.
The area of utmost importance in Delta Group operations are the activities for providing the safety and security of construction production, with priority given to well-being of our employees, observance of safety rules in construction production and environmental safety.
In order to achieve the above goals, Delta Group has developed and established the enterprise program: the Organization of work safety and security, with the following focus areas:
- Distributing the works safety duties between the functional departments and company officials.
- Regular training of safe work methods, instructions, apprenticeships and assessing the work safety knowledge.
- Conducting obligatory preventive and periodical physicals.
- The organization of control of work conditions of work places, as well as verifying the correctness of use by employees of collective and individual safety features and instruments.
In order to ensure the observance of work safety requirements and control of such observance, Delta Group has instituted work safety services, the organization of whose operations is determined by:
- STP 66.01-99 SSBT, Organization of activities on securing the work safety.
- SP 12-132-99 Work safety in construction. Mockups of standards of enterprises in terms of work safety for the organization of construction, construction materials industry and housing and maintenance utilities.
- SNiP 12-03-2001 Work safety in construction. Part 1. General requirements.
Delta Group employees observe the Client's standards of work safety, provision of safe work conditions, environmental safety, fire safety as well as rules of conduct on the territory of the Client. For the purposes of ensuring the effectiveness of the Work Safety Services, the Group is actively collaborating with training groups as well as specialists of MTU Rostehnadzor SZFO (Work safety administration), checking the operations of Work Safety Services at production enterprises.