
Delta Group has got licenses for all kinds of work

СРО на строительные работы-1

The certificate on the admission to works which influence safety of objects of capital construction № С-098-7806339673-16122009-042/4 from 04.07.2012 is given out The self-adjustable organisation Noncommercial partnership «The Center of development of building» (Registration number in state the register SRO-C-063-09112009 from 09.11.2009)

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СРО на проектирование 2012-1-1


The certificate on the admission to works which influence safety of objects of capital construction № П-098-7806339673-16122009-013/4 from 18.07.2012 is given out The self-adjustable organisation Noncommercial partnership «The Center of development of architecturally-building designing» (Registration number in state the register SRO-P-045-09112009 from 09.11.2009). 

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The certificate of conformity of the Integrated Management System (for work
on the preparation of project documentation, construction, reconstruction
and repair) the requirements of
GOST R ISO 9001-2011 (ISO 9001:2008),
GOST R ISO 14001-2007 (ISO 14001:2004),
GOST 12.0.230-2007 (OHSAS 18001:2007).
Date of issue: 30.04.2014.
Validity up to 30.04.2017.

Лицензия РОК 01533

The license № РОК 01533 of the 21.07.2010 to carry out activities for the restoration of cultural heritage (monuments of history and culture) issued by the Federal Service for Supervision of Legislation in the field of cultural heritage.
Validity - up to 21.07.2015.

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Evidence for a trademark (service mark) № 348889 of 25.04.2008 issued by the Federal Service for Intellectual Property, Patents and Trademarks.
Priority of the trademark 29.09.2006.
Validity of registration before 29.09.2016. 

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